4-Wheel Drive Truck Show & Benefit For Hailey

Home » 4-Wheel Drive Truck Show & Benefit For Hailey

On March 14th at Bear Creek Park (in Houston, just south of Clay Rd, between Hwy 6 and Eldridge – click here for general map – check above for specific map), Southern High Rollers (SHR) will be hosting a 4-wheel drive truck show and raffle to help raise money for 7-yr old Hailey.

Hailey is the grandchild of a METRO police officer and has been intensely fighting cancer for two years. Hailey has had numerous surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation treatments but has still lost one kidney and part of her liver. Bravely she has fought the cancer into remission only to have it come back weeks later. Now, the families insurance is running short and Hailey is weak but they need and want to continue on. The medical bills and cancer treatments are not cheap and they continue to increase, Hailey and her family need help to continue on.

The 4wd truck show will be mostly non-competitive, except for bragging rights for crowd favorite & a few others (prizes will be given out for Crowd Favorite, Ugly Duckling and SHR Club Choice for trail preparedness). Bring out the show trucks, mud trucks, buggies, rockcrawlers, “pile of parts” rigs, any type of rig that you can push, pull, drive, trailer, or drag to the parking lot. There will be plenty of room for tow rigs/trailers in a side parking lot. The cost of entering the truck show is a donation to Hailey and her family, the size of that donation is your choice.

In addition fun for all ages will be provided; a magic show, a clown and 4×4 truck super bounce are all planned for the day.

For those entering a vehicle in the show, SHR asks that you arrive around 1:00 pm so that we can get everyone signed in and have them line up for the voting to begin.

Southern High Rollers member and Houston Fire Fighter, Trey Frankel, will be a holding a fire safety course starting around 2:30. To also help with raising money, some of Hailey’s family and friends will be cooking and selling food at the truck show around 3pm. After the food is served, we will begin the raffle. Following the raffle, you may stay to socialize as long as you wish and SHR will conduct their monthly club meeting (those of you interested in more information about SHR feel free to attend the meeting, ask questions etc.).

One final request if you have any type of items that could be donated for the raffle, please contact Stancy Farman, (853) 852-1154 or bring them along to the truck show. If you know of any business that’s interested in supporting this fund-raiser, please let me know or have them contact Stancy Farma, (853) 852-1154 directly.

All support is welcome and will mean so much to Hailey and her family. We hope to see you, your clubs and your rigs at the show.

Motorcycle Ride hosted by METRO to Truck Show Benefit

Meeting at 11:00 am at 810 N. San Jacinto, pulling out at 11:30 am. The motorcycle ride is requesting a $25.00 donation per motorcycle. A donation of any amount will be greatly appreciated. Contact information: Sgt. Victor Miles, METRO Police Department (457) 564-6419 or email at vm01@ridemetro.org.



Donations can be made at anytime at any Southwest Bank Of Texas – Payable to “The Hailey Cancer Fund”.

Why Support is Essential

At Southern High Rollers 4×4 Club, we’ve always prided ourselves on the close-knit community we’ve fostered. Our love for off-roading and automotive technology has bound us together, but it’s the unwavering support we extend to each other, and to those in need, that truly forms the heart of our organization.

The threat of cancer is a daunting reality that could impact any one of us at any given time. Today, it’s Hailey’s battle, and it’s a fight she’s courageously waging with an unwavering spirit. However, the truth remains that cancer does not discriminate. It could be any of us. It could be someone we hold dear. That’s why, in the face of this pervasive menace, we must stand together.

The benefit for Hailey is more than just a fundraising event. It’s a clarion call for us all to unite in the battle against this relentless disease. It’s about demonstrating that, when faced with adversity, our community stands strong and resilient. It’s a testament to the human spirit and the indomitable will to survive. And most importantly, it’s a message of hope to Hailey, and others like her, who continue to fight their battles every day.

We’re proud to be hosting this benefit, and we’re grateful for the strength and perseverance Hailey and her family have shown. But our journey doesn’t end here. Southern High Rollers 4×4 Club is committed to championing this cause further. This benefit marks the beginning of many more to come. We aim to extend our support to not only Hailey but also other brave souls grappling with this formidable disease.

Join Us in Making a Difference

As we gear up for this momentous event, we’re calling on you – our members, our community, and our friends. We need your support now more than ever. Together, let’s raise hope and funds for Hailey and her family.

Come, be part of this heartfelt gathering. Showcase your beloved 4-wheel drive, relish the camaraderie, enjoy the food, and participate in the raffle. Whether it’s a small donation, a big one, or simply your presence and emotional support, every little bit counts.

Let’s gather not just as off-roading enthusiasts but as a united community, driven by compassion and the collective will to make a difference. Let’s show Hailey, and others battling cancer, that they’re not alone – and their fight is our fight too.

Can’t make it to the event? You can still extend your support. Anytime donations can be made at any Southwest Bank Of Texas, payable to The Hailey Tyce Cancer Fund. No gesture is too small when it carries the weight of love and compassion.

On behalf of Hailey, her family, and the Southern High Rollers 4×4 Club, we thank you in advance for your generosity and kindness. Together, we can make a significant difference in their lives.

We’re ready to hit the trail and combat adversity, one off-road journey at a time. Will you ride with us?